Style #4003
Nip with the white belly
was retired before poems
were issued. She is
adorable and resembles a
young kitten with a white
triangle on her chubby
cheeks, pink whiskers,
pink ears, white belly.
Expect her market value
to increase dramatically.
This version of Nip is
all gold expect for his
pink ears and pink
whiskers. Although he is
not the first version of
Nip produced, he is the
most valuable because
the fewest were
His name is Nipper, but we call him Nip
His best friend is a black cat named Zip
Nip likes to run in races for fun
He runs so fast he's always number one!
Nip the Cat with a White Belly was introduced in 1995.
Nip the Cat with a White Belly retired in 1995.
Nip the all gold cat was introduced in 1995.
Nip the all gold cat retired in 1995.
Nip the Cat with White Paws was introduced in 1996.
Nip the Cat retired January 1, 1998.
His birthday is March 6, 1994.
| White Faced Nip the Cat | | 3rd Generation Hang Tag - $ 550 | | 4th Generation Hang Tag - $ 475 |
| All Gold Nip the Cat | | 3rd Generation Hang Tag - $ 1000 |
| White Pawed Nip the Cat | | 3rd Generation Hang Tag - $ 100 | | 4th Generation Hang Tag - $ 18 | | 5th Generation Hang Tag - $ 20 |
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