Style #4163
Lots of rumors followed
Blizzard in September 1997
when someone on the Internet
announced that his name had
been changed to "Snowflake"
due to a copyright
infringement with the popular
ice cream chain, Dairy Queen.
The rumor turned out to be
unfounded. Instead, Blizzard
was retired and not a name
Blizzard the Tiger
In the mountains where it's snowy and cold
Lives a beautiful tiger, I've been told
Black and white, she's hard to compare
Of all the tigers, she is most rare.
Blizzard the Tiger was introduced May 11, 1997.
Blizzard the Tiger retired May 1, 1998.
Her birthday is December 12, 1996.
| Price Guide | | 4th Generation Hang Tag - $ 16 | | 5th Generation Hang Tag - $ 12 |
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