Style #4171

Strut is the replacement for
Doodle.. Exactly alike in
every way, they look alike,
share the same birthday and
poem. Initially very hard to
find in retail stores, he was
being marketed for up to $50.

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Strut   the   Rooster

Listen closely to a "Cock-a-doodle-doo"
What's the rooster saying to you?
Hurry, wake up sleepy head
We have lots to do, get out of bed!

Strut the Rooster was introduced August, 1997.
Strut the Rooster is a current Beanie Baby.

His birthday is March 8, 1996.


---------------------------------------------- 4th Generation Hang Tag $ 15 ---------------------------------------------- 5th Generation Hang Tag $ 9 ----------------------------------------------

This page has been visited times since MAy 17, 1998.

Dustin Kelley